Our main focus is recruiting all levels of players to participate in our activities. We believe that EVERYbody PLAYS and for that conviction will turn no one away.​
While generally our programs start at age 4, most do not have a top age cap.
Some of our partner programs may have age restrictions specific to certain sessions. Regardless, there IS something for EVERYbody. There are no barriers to which we cannot find an adaptation.
You will find various registration portals throughout our website. Cant find what you want -- reach out to us. We will help you find the right fit for your player!

Join us on the field, the pitch, the courts, the arenas as a partner player. Get to know our athletes by playing alongside them in any of our programs.
Offer help to administrate. There are so many roles allowing flexibility. from onsite roles like checking in players, handing out uniforms, color commentary and calling the games, concessions and collecting paperwork to behind the scenes data entry and recruiting volunteers (we never have enough...)
Maybe its as simple as being an engaging role is too small!

Talk us up. Share our social media. Tell a friend that might like to play on one of our teams or participate in our activites.
Sponsor a player. Pass on used equipment. Host an event. Start a program.
Donate to our fundraisers. Donate field space. Seek out corporate matching. Tell us about grants for which our programs might qualify.
All of the above are important to keep our mission growing beyond our visions.